FAQs: Find Your Answers Here.

We serve a diverse range of industries, including automotive, aerospace, construction, manufacturing, and more.

Our commitment to quality, attention to detail, and customer satisfaction set us apart from competitors. We strive to exceed expectations in every project we undertake.

Yes, we stand behind the quality of our workmanship and offer warranties or guarantees on our products and services.

Yes, we are flexible and can accommodate special requests or unique project requirements to meet the specific needs of our clients.

Yes, we can provide a detailed breakdown of costs for your project, including materials, labor, and any additional services or fees

While our specialty lies in metal fabrication, we may be able to accommodate projects involving non-metallic materials or composites on a case-by-case basis.

We carefully select materials based on the specific requirements of each project, taking into account factors such as strength, durability, cost, and availability. We work with trusted suppliers to ensure the highest quality materials.

Choosing the right material is crucial in ensuring the longevity and performance of storage tanks. Common materials used in storage tank manufacturing include steel, concrete, fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP), and polyethylene

Rajog’s heat exchangers conform to industry standards such as ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), TEMA (Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association), and IS (Indian Standards), ensuring reliability, durability, and safety.

We offer customized flange solutions tailored to your specific needs. Our team of experienced engineers and technicians works closely with clients to understand their exact specifications and design flanges accordingly.